Lettuce Love

This beautiful “Skyphos Butterhead Lettuce” is fresh-cut from the Harvest Garden hoop house! And it was as delicious as it was lovely to behold. There is just nothing like a garden fresh head of lettuce to form the basis of a tasty and healthy salad. There is a sweetness and delicate crunch that is unparalleled…

In the Waiting Season

Sweet 100

Seed… Time… Harvest! Right now, it seems like I’m in the waiting time between having planted the seed and realizing the harvest, a time of transition, a time between seasons. For me, this is the time for gratitude, for hope, and for personal growth. Grateful I have a garden place and some seeds to plant.…

Vive la vie!

Flower-full window box in Pontmain, France

Life is wonderful! This is my belief no matter what the immediate circumstances look like in the natural. In truth, I have the life-breath of the living God in my lungs and Grace and mercy are anew each morning. In 2006, I had the blessing of accompanying my mother to France with a tour group…

Totus Tuus

Totally Thine! Not as in St. Louis Marie de Montfort’s devotion to Mary, the blessed virgin mother, but to Jesus, the Redeemer.  As Jesus is the Vine and I am the branch, I cannot live without Him.  From this perspective, I am grafted into the vine as the fruit-bearing branch which is totally sustained by…

hello y’all!

Welcome to my words! This is a first jab at WordPress and at blogging in general. Please give me lots of grace 🙂