Vive la vie!

Flower-full window box in Pontmain, France
Flower-full window box in Pontmain, France

Life is wonderful! This is my belief no matter what the immediate circumstances look like in the natural. In truth, I have the life-breath of the living God in my lungs and Grace and mercy are anew each morning.

In 2006, I had the blessing of accompanying my mother to France with a tour group from her church, Our Lady of Hope. We were slated to visit all the Catholic cathedrals and points of interest that France had to offer, most notably: Lourdes, Notre Dame, Pontmain, and Chartres. Of course, this adventure meant that I would be pushing her wheelchair; and I was wholeheartedly up for the task. My mom has been gone from this earth for four years today. This trip remains one of my fondest memories. The story of our relationship has much rocky ground; at times we were estranged; at other times we were close. Yet, as we both matured, we developed a love for each other and a mutual respect despite our differences.

Part of the joy of this trip to France was being able to honor my mom through service. I helped her maintain an upbeat attitude despite the adversities of navigating a wheelchair in Europe, across bricks, steps, cobblestones, stone floors, and the like. These shared memories helped us reminisce about happy times as the light of life began to fade during her last years.

Life is a precious commodity! And it is frequently all too short. Thank you, Lord, for helping me sustain the belief that life with you is indeed wonderful, for showing me the bright spots in what might look like a gloomy day, and for taking my hand and walking with me through everything.